Tasreen Khamisa and Tony Hicks

Finding a Family Through Forgiveness

What does it mean to fully forgive? It can be a long and difficult process filled with resentment, anger, and vengeance. It took years for Tasreen Khamisa to come face to face with Tony Hicks, the man that murdered her brother, Tariq, in a gang-related robbery. But for Tasreen, a Shia Ismaili Muslim who was raised on the belief of helping others, it was to find a feeling of inner peace and to move forward. Not only for her family but for Tony's as well. Today, they consider one another family and work together to spread awareness of restorative justice with the Tariq Khamisa Foundation. Listen in as Tasreen, Tony, and Dr. Springer talk about the challenges of forgiveness, their relationship, and moving forward together.